Is There a Better Sounding Record on the Site?

Hot Stamper Pressings of 10cc Available Now

The answer to the question posed above is almost always going to be “yes,” if only for the simple reason that we rarely have The Original Soundtrack in stock on the site.

On to our commentary.

On any given day a White Hot side one of The Original Soundtrack could very well be the best sounding record we have on the site. 

“On any given day” being a day when we don’t have a hot copy of Dark Side of the Moon to offer, or a killer Eagles first album, or a top copy of the self-titled BS&T, or an RL Zep II, or a White Hot Teaser and the Firecat.

Most days we don’t have such records on the site, and on those days this 10cc album is a recording Tour De Force that would be bigger, bolder, more dynamic, and more powerful than anything we could throw against it.

I haven’t run into too many audiophiles who own a hot copy of The Original Soundtrack, or have the kind of system that can play a record like it (almost none in fact). As I am fond of saying, this is the kind of record that is guaranteed to bring any audiophile stereo to its knees.

I’ve been demonstrating my stereo with it for more than thirty years. The extended suite that opens side one, One Night in Paris, has ambience, sound effects, and incredibly dynamic multi-tracked vocals at its climax that will make your jaw drop.

Reinventing The Wall of Sound The Right Way

This is the kind of record that makes you sit up and take notice. It’s classic 10cc everything-but-the-kitchen-sink “Wall of Sound” (minus the Phil Spector distortion), the kind big speaker guys like me live for. Supertramp, Yes, Ambrosia, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Zeppelin, Bowie — to this day I’m a sucker for that Cinerama soundstage these bands like to play on. It’s one of the reasons I am a proud owner of the Legacy Whisper speaker system, complete with its eight fifteen inch woofer driver complement. You need that kind of piston power to produce The Really Big Sound with Super Low Distortion at Really High Levels. The louder the better. (We have a pair of highly modified Focuses set up in our listening room as well. Three twelves per channel moves a fair amount of air too.)

We’re CRAZY About This Album

This was my first 10cc album, and I fell in love with it, completely. Used to play it all the time. Une Nuit A Paris, the suite that opens side one, is just an amazing demo track. As you may have read elsewhere on the site, it’s the kind of sound that requires a big powerful stereo to reproduce. Even back in 1975 I had speakers as tall as I was that weighed 300 pounds apiece, so playing a record like this was just a thrill.

It still is. I still love it. And I recommend it highly for those who are fans of the band. If you don’t know who 10cc are, this album and this band will probably make no sense to you, but if you have an open mind and like “art rock” from the ’70s, you may really get a kick out of this one.

The Original Soundtrack checks off quite a few of our favorite boxes here at Better Records:

We’ve recently compiled a list of records we think every audiophile should get to know better, along the lines of “the 1001 records you need to hear before you die,” with an accent on the joy these amazing audiophile-quality recordings can bring to your life.
The Original Soundtrack is a good example of a record audiophiles may not know well but we think might benefit from getting to know better

Further Reading

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