
Julie Is Her Name – Now on Youtube

More of the Music of Julie London

Reviews and Commentaries for the Music of Julie London

One of our good customers has a blog which he calls


In the video below, Robert discusses how Tubey Magical his system is when playing an All Tube Chain recording from 1955, this without the benefit of any tubes in his system whatsoever. Quite the trick!

Everything was fine until he decided to track down a clean, quiet, good-sounding copy of the album for a friend. As the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished, and after buying scores of copies of Julie London’s records off the internet ourselves, we know firsthand how painful it is to have one noisy record after another arrive on our doorstep.

Years ago I was in my favorite record store in Los Angeles, Record Surplus, and Neil, the owner at the time, made what I thought was an especially perceptive remark about Julie London’s albums on vintage vinyl: “They’re either mint or beat, rarely in-between.” He’d seen a hundred times more Julie London than I had, and he knew whereof he spoke. (I would add that by now I have critically listened to an infinitely larger number of her records than he ever would, as critical listening is not what record store owners get up to all day.)

Once you’ve played one of Julie’s amazing early albums, you tend to want to keep it near the turntable. If you were given the record back in the day, perhaps because you were in the record business, you stored it on a shelf with all the rest of the albums you could not be bothered to listen to.

JULIE IS HER NAME: Worth the Effort!

More on Robert’s system here. You may notice that it has a lot in common with the one we use.
