Quote of the Day – “…doing the obvious thing for an uncommonly long period of time…”

Ninety percent of success can be boiled down to consistently doing the obvious thing for an uncommonly long period of time without convincing yourself that you’re smarter than you are.” — Shane Parrish

Everybody knows that practicing and challenging yourself will make you better at whatever you are trying to do. But where have you ever seen those concepts applied to bettering your own audio skills (other than on our website and blog)?

Just how would you go about challenging yourself as an audiophile?


Playing ten copies of the same album back to back and making notes about the sound of each side is one.

Adjusting the turntable sixty six different ways and seeing what the effect is on scores of different records is another.

All these things taught me a lot. No amount of reading or advice was remotely as helpful as just getting down and messing around with anything and everything in my listening room.

As Van Morrison put it: “No guru, no method, no teacher.”

Further Reading

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