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Letter of the Week – “I was actually bouncing up and down in my listening chair like a complete idiot.”

More of the Music of Fleetwood Mac

Reviews and Commentaries for the Music of Fleetwood Mac

One of our good customers had this to say about some Hot Stampers he purchased recently:

Hey Tom, 

I just wanted to say THANK YOU (!!!!!) a billion times over, for bringing me the most musical pleasure I’ve had in recent memory. I just spun the copy of “Barboletta” you guys sold me, and it’s so jaw-droppingly SPECTACULAR I was actually (literally) weeping (or at least, eyes welling up). SO many micro-details I had NEVER heard before – little tonal shifts in the guitar, ride patterns in the background I’d never been able to previously discern, etc. On “Mirage” I was actually bouncing up and down in my listening chair like a complete idiot – I simply could not resist the incredible groove!!!

I mean, we’re talking MASTER TAPE here. I don’t know how you guys do it – but thank the gods you do!!!!

I can only afford to buy a few LPs from you every couple of years, but I hope ya’ll know that your hard work and labor is SO appreciated by your loyal customers – because you’re opening new musical vistas up to us, through hearing beloved albums the way they were MEANT to be heard.

Steve M.


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